Saturday, September 6, 2008

Recycled Tealight Candles - Instructions

Ok, so it always drove me nuts on how those 3 and 4 wick candles would have this nice mound of wax left after the wicks completely burned out. And add that to not being able to recycle the plastic tealight cups since there's no recycling code on the bottom and my recycling center won't take them! So, I went to the craft store with the original intention of getting a mold for votive candles or something like that so I could use up the wax from several candles I had kept - for some unknown reason at the time! I was amazed at the price of $21.99 for a small little thin cheap looking metal mold!!! So, I changed my mind and thought about the tealights... and saw that they had the empty plastic cups for $2.99 for 6! Well, heck, I have empty ones at home anyways - AND FOR FREE!!. So, I just purchased some of the wicks (packages of 12 for 1.99) and thought I'd give it a try. The picture is of them still drying - I plan on trimming the wick to size once they are completely dry, and I'm thinking that there may be enough to trim off to leave enough wick to do another tealight - so bonus - it ends up being 24 wicks for the $1.99!

In case you wanted to give it a try, here's what I did:
1. I just saved the empty plastic tealight cups (which by the way, the candles were a 24-pack of Sonoma brand at the Dollar Store, and yup, for $1.00! - Super Deal!).
2. I saved the wax from some of those brick style or large round style candles when the wicks burned out.
3. I just found an old butter dish - in the event the wax ruined anything, I didn't want it to be in a good bowl.
4. I just cut the wax into smaller chunks and tossed it into the bowl and put in right in the microwave - as a hint though, I only filled the bowl up about 1/2 way with the wax so there wasn't too much in there. Just keep checking the melting every few minutes and take out of the microwave once it turns liquidy.
5. If you are using a cheap butter style bowl, you'll easily be able to "bend" the bowl so theres a pour spout - place your wicks in each of the tealight cups, pour the liquid wax into the cups, and then just let them dry.
6. Voila - brand new tealights!! And only for the mere cost of some wicks - although, I'm still looking at the wicks and seeing what I can come up with that will burn equally well so I can go without even buying them - I'll keep everyone updated if I find anything!


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