Saturday, September 6, 2008

ReWorked Designs Beginning

Well, this is my first "blog" - EVER! People have been saying for a while that I should start a blog, so I guess I'll attempt it! Anyways, this Blog is more of the mixture of my love of crafts and the love of "recycling". I love to turn old items into new fun ones and it's great how every new item is unique because of the differences in items available, and of course, you can always add your own personal touches!
My craft room is just atrosious since I won't throw anything away... I always figure that the moment I do, I'll find some great use for it - and it usually happens that way!! But hey, it keeps me out of trouble (sort-of)!

So, I think I'll give a few hints here... my first hint would be to not throw away (except for actual garbage of course!). I'll be posting some patterns or ideas on how to change items to give them all a new life. Also, when I'm changing a clothing item persay, I don't throw away the scraps because you can always use them for small embelishment items such as flowers on something else.... and of course, save buttons and things like that - because hey, who can't find a use for them?

I'm so obsessed with this stuff that I even bug family and friends to not throw away things without letting me see it first. For instance, I recently snagged a few balls of twine from a friend who was getting rid of them, so I think I'll turn it into a nice rug.

I'm always open to new ideas too, so if anyone reading this has any ideas for items, I'd love to hear them.... or in the alternative, if you'd like me to see if I can make something in particular, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I am more than willing to either post patterns for things or sell them directly to you when done.

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